Can an entity apply for JobKeeper 2 or JobKeeper 3 if it did not qualify for JobKeeper 1?
According to the Treasury Fact Sheet, the JobKeeper Payment will continue to remain open to new recipients, provided they meet the eligibility requirements and the turnover tests that apply during the relevant JobKeeper Payment period.
What would be the ‘Business Participant’ rate?
The rate is the same as for employees. For JobKeeper 1, the rate is a flat $1,500 per fortnight which will change to $1,200/$750 per fortnight for JobKeeper 2 and $1,000/$650 depending on the hours worked.
I have been receiving JobKeeper 1, do I need to fill out the nomination form again for JobKeeper 2?
If you are working for the same employer, you will not need to complete another nomination form for the same employer.
How many hours must a full-time employee be in from July 1st – August 3rd to be eligible for the Full time JobKeeper program?
The full rate will apply regardless of hours worked up to the fortnight ending 27 September ’20. If you are eligible for JobKeeper 2 beginning 28 September ’20, you will need to have worked at least 20 hours per week for a 4 week period for 1 month before 1 July or 1 March.
Is there any change to beneficiaries of a trust/company to now be eligible to receive JobKeeper 2.0/3.0?
There is no change, the same rules apply, that is the beneficiary must be actively engaged in the business.
Can one exclude a grant from the turnover test that was received for an activity that won’t be started until next calendar year?
For July one employees, if I have casuals that started the end of August 2019. can they qualify for September and if so, do they need to nominate now?
No, as they must be long term casuals for at least 12 months ending 1 July 2020.
Do all employees have to sign a nomination form or only the ones that are now eligible and how strict is the 24 August deadline seeing I have only just found out about the deadline as part of this seminar?
All employees that are new employees as at 1 July 2020 that were not previously employed by the employer on 1 March 2020 will need to complete the nomination form. If you are late, strictly speaking those employees will miss out on JobKeeper for that particular fortnight.
I was supposed to submit the nomination forms by 24 August, what do I do?
Ensure you submit the nomination form to be eligible for the next JobKeeper fortnight.
Have there been any changes to eligibility for visa holders?
No there hasn’t.
Are bad debts part of the GST Turnover as it affects sales revenue? Or excluded
As per Law Companion Ruling LCR 2020/1, bad debt adjustments do not form part of GST Turnover for the period the debt becomes bad as the value of that supply may relate to an earlier time period.
Casual employee has applied for JobKeeper as a sole trader for other work but did not qualify. Are they eligible for JobKeeper with our company as a casual?
The casual must meet the definition of a long term casual in order to be eligible for JobKeeper. That is, they were a long term casual with that employer for at least 12 months as at 1 July 2020.
What if you are a contractor registered with an ABN but do not lodge a BAS because your turnover does not reach the threshold to register for GST?
You do not need to lodge a BAS to be eligible for JobKeeper. All you need is an ABN and be running a business.
What if full time employee employed in June 2020 and no 4-week period for eligibility?
We will need to wait for the legislation to see if they legislate for these circumstances. I would say that there would be a calculation to calculate normalised hours. If they are employed full time, say on 15 June, then it would seem illogical hey wouldn’t qualify for the full rate.
You say pay minimum of $1500 – but this only applies to full time employee – so for employee less than 20 weeks, we pay $750 per fortnight to 31 Aug?
The $1,500 applies irrespective of hours worked provided they were employed by 1 July. The reduction applies to JK2 and JK3.
Can I still claim Job Keeper 1 based on a drop of turnover from Sep 19 of 30% or more. My concern is although our turnover dropped in Mar and Jun 20 we didn’t quite qualify for 30% but it did reduce 20%-25%. If I compare Sep 20 to the last 2 quarters again i will just fall short (because of the initial reductions)?
You need to compare your Sept 19 income to Sept 20. If drop for that one month is at least 30% you will qualify. There is no need to compare September quarters.
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