If your business makes payments to contractors or subcontractors you may need to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) by 28 August.
TPAR is an industry-specific report for businesses that are required to report the total payments they have made to contractors or subcontractors for services. The ATO uses this information to data match the annual income declared by contractors, helping to improve compliance.
Industries affected by TPAR
You may be affected by TPAR if your business provides any of the following services:
- building and construction services
- cleaning services
- courier services or road freight services
- information technology (IT) services
- security, investigation or surveillance services
- government entities.
Use can this link to check if you need to provide a TPAR here.
What details need to be included in the TPAR report?
The details you need to report about each contractor include:
- the contractors Australian business number (ABN), if known
- the contractors name and address
- the financial year gross amount you paid to them (including any GST)
- any grants paid (only applies to some government entities)
How do I lodge a TPAR?
You can lodge your TPAR online, by paper (NAT 74109 form), via your business software or through a tax or BAS agent.
If you would like assistance you with your TPAR lodgement, please contact us.