Audit Shield Service provides payment of the professional fees incurred should you get selected for an audit, enquiry, investigation or review by the Australian Taxation Office or other relevant government revenue agencies. The cost of being properly represented can be quite considerable depending on the circumstances. Even a simple enquiry can require hours of work. Audit Shield Service provides a fixed, cost effective solution to guard against these unbudgeted costs.
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All professional fees up to a prescribed limit (with no excess) are covered when you engage us in audit activity matters. Our fees, legal fees, bookkeeping fees and other specialist professional advisor fees are covered. Audit Shield Service also provides retrospective cover so all previously lodged returns are included in the coverage.
The list is extensive as to what is covered under the Audit Shield Service. Here are just a few inclusions of the comprehensive offering:
Anyone can be targeted, even if their lodgements are accurate. Data matching capabilities are profound and are increasing the level of audit activity of both compliant and non-compliant taxpayers. Different levels of cover are available for salary and wage earners, businesses with turnover under $100 million as well as SMSFs. In most cases individuals and other family entities can be covered with the business entities – for no extra cost. If you decide to participate, your cover commences one business day after your payment is received.
Level 1, 678 Victoria Street
Richmond VIC 3121
Phone: (03) 8419 9800
Fax: (03) 8419 9888
Discover over 50 tax deductible items you could claim in your next tax return. Simply fill in your details below and we will send this checklist to you.
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